Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dear Trouble,

Oh my second baby how I am missing you so. One week ago I was given the wonderful news that you were going to be joining us. Its just not right that I had to say goodbye to you already. I know God has a path for all of us... but I just don't understand why my path had to include sending two precious babies to heaven.

I know you are up there resting peacefully with Peanut and all your loving family members but I want you HERE. I want to be dreaming of all the things we would do when you grew up. I want to be speculating if you would be a boy or a girl/ I want to wonder who you would look like, whose smile, whose eye color, whose hair would you have. I wonder what impact you would have had on the world. I know for the brief days I held you under my heart you made me a better person.

I love you my sweet little baby

Forever and Always


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